Few things in this world hurt
deeper than finding out that your partner or spouse has been unfaithful. Your
relationship can not survive if it is based on deception. When betrayal and
lies threaten your marriage, what are you supposed to do?
Marriage is about being committed to one person. No one deserves to be cheated on. People can change, but is the partner who
cheated on you able to do so? If they are
not able or willing to change, you need to look at your situation and ask
yourself if you are willing to settle for this.
If you know that things will never change and you stay, can you
emotionally handle the repercussions?
You should never invest more in a relationship than you can afford to
lose. Yes, it might be harder to leave
than to stay, but you need to think of your emotions and ultimately do what’s
best for you.
Any time that a spouse fulfills
their needs by turning away from their partner instead of turning toward them,
it’s a betrayal. It’s not just what they do; sometimes betrayal is what they don't do. You can violate your partner by withholding
affection, not communicating your feelings, or by not allowing them to get
close to you as a spouse should. But you
need to work out problems in your relationship within your
relationship. You cannot fix a problem
inside a relationship by turning to someone outside of it. Before disaster happens, you need to
acknowledge that there is something wrong within your relationship. You can not change what you do not
acknowledge. If what’s happening in your
marriage is not normal, admit it.
Finding out that a spouse has
cheated on you is a lot to handle. It
shatters your world, and you may not know which way is up for a while. When you have regained your mind, you will
have some big decisions ahead of you.
What do you do next? Your partner
needs to realize that they have damaged the relationship. They need to listen and understand the full
gravity of their actions and how they have affected you. They must acknowledge the damage that their
behavior has caused to your self-esteem, mental state, and emotions. It is not your fault that they have cheated
on you. But remember, you do teach
people how to treat you. If you do not
tell your partner how their behavior has hurt you, they are not going to
If you are willing to work things
out with your partner after they have had an affair, you need to set some new
standards of acceptable behavior. Your
partner needs to know what those standards are.
Maybe your partner has gotten away with certain things because they know
they can. If you are allowing certain
behavior to continue by making excuses for your partner and blaming yourself,
you need to stop. If you want to be
treated with dignity and respect, you need to stand up and demand it.